Catering venue with a multidisciplinary vocation (Restaurant / Bar / Nightclub)
France - Bordeaux
60 collaborators
60% face-to-face / 40% remote
18 months
Company with a history, how to move from family management to company management to support sustainable growth.
Scope :
Overhaul of the company's strategy, implementation of a new governance, coaching of managers, coaching of the managerial line, managerial transformation. Overhaul of the digital strategy, implementation of a data marketing policy. Change management support in a strategic development project (sevenfold increase in the area open to the public and creation of new profit centres).
Support for the management line in the face of the new structure chosen by the directors. How to apprehend their new responsibilities.
Support for teams:
Individual coaching, for all managers who have seen their responsibilities and scope of action evolve in line with the new company strategy.
Analysis of the manager's profile (Knowing oneself is the key to success for all managers, in addition to knowing oneself it is important to be at ease with one's person) - Working in collaboration with each manager.
Analysis of team profiles (Knowing your staff, their areas for improvement and their strong points) - Work done by the manager with our support.
Implementation of managerial tools adapted to the teams (visual management allowing to follow the activity of a team, KPI monitoring, communication tool, ...)

15 employees - Business Director
100% remote
9 months
Management of a sales team in the midst of a COVID crisis in a hugely impacted sector.
Scope : Management d’une équipe commerciale (commerciaux et managers de produits). Le directeur commercial doit créer une synergie entre les commerciaux et les managers de produits afin d’inscrire l’ensemble de l’équipe dans les priorités choisie par l’entreprise.
Accompagnement individuel : Accompagner le directeur commercial dans la prise de recul et analyse des situations conflictuelles et émotionnelles (stress lié au COVID entre autre). Améliorer son leadership en tant que manager.
Mise en place de : Brief de réunion et des réactions à adopter en tant que leader.